BDSM 247
S&M 24/7 is well known term in the S&M world that refers to around the clock 247slave, or a fulltime master/slave relationship. In the website Sm 247 we´re given a tail end the scenes look at what actually happens in such a relationship. The couple who´s featuring themselves, Joshua & e, are from california. Joshua states he´s 52 years old, e looks some years younger but still middleaged.
The content of Sadomaso 24/7 is all about the private adventures of Joshua and pain slut e, and the members are given a very thorough look at their life of restraints and SM. The majority of the content are Sadomasochistic picture galleries featuring painslave e in various types of Sadomasochistic, ranging from soft confinement to fairly hardcore pain. You´ll see themed Bdsm galleries such needle torture, nosehooks, pink weights, breast torture, correctional discipline and various types of confinement and suspension. So, down to basics what you get here are private pictures of e´s various punishments

The quality of the picture galleries is good. All pixs come in high resolution, only clear quality pictures are published, and the variation between the galleries. Of course, featuring a single masochist only puts a natural limitation on the overall variation in comparison with other sites, but Sm 24/7 manages to be quite creative in findin new and creative scenarios to shoot and publish. In addition to the picture galleries, Sadomaso 24/7 also features a good amount of video footages - also featuring needle torture, breast torture and so forth. The footages are however in low resolution and very short, which means they must be seen as a supplement only.
The layout of S&M 247 clearly indicates, that this is a feature on a private sadomasochistic couple, that does the html themselves too. It looks very amateuristic and occationally confusing as well - particularly outside the members area. Inside the members area the layout is still very plain, but easily navigated through a frame at the left. Layout doesnt mean much to me while judging, but if you prefer tastefull setups or fancy graphics, this is certainly not a place for you. One further thing is, that the content is divided into 3 categories, one that can be viewed by all members, 1 that can be viewed after 3month membership, and one that can be viewed after 6month. Its an original loyalty feature for sure, personally I´m not a large fan of such arrangements, as it sort of devaluates the membership purchased at first. However, the idea may perhabs be good, if the membersbase is a steady crowd - which might indeed be the case here. The updates are frequent but tiny, around every 5 days there´s a young themed Bdsm gallery, usually featuring round 15-20pictures.
Giving an overall score for a site like this is very hard. Judged solely upon the content it doesnt compete with the pro site outthere, but it certainly has other charming attractions. It´s certainly a remarkable look buns the curtain of a private slave couple, who generously shares their personal punishment photographs and experiences, and as such there´s both alot of good Bdsm material here and a very great personal touch to it all, naturally. It is a matter of personal taste, if that adds up for the limited variation given by there being only 1 slavegirl.
Personally I find it extraordinarily interesting, that S&M 247 presents us with true authentic Sadomaso as its practitioned outthere in the real world. Of course that may not look quite as fancy, as material that comes out of Hollywood studios. But Sadomaso 247 has something the studios can only dream of - it has the pretty intensity and aura of love to it, that simply can´t be staged. And finally, the mere knowledge that all of it is indeed real & actually part of a true powerexchange relashionship, it just gives it a true feeling to it and adds a quality thats strong to beat.
Visit BDSM 247.